Brotherhood is an opportunity for members to evaluate their past service to Scouting (camping and unit involvement) and to their lodge, and to reaffirm their belief in the high purposes of the Order. Once an Arrowman has been an active Ordeal member for at least 6 months, he or she may choose to seal their membership by becoming Brotherhood.
It is important to note that Brotherhood is the only OA level that a Scout may choose for themself. Ordeals are elected by their units; Vigil honorees are selected by their Lodge. The Brotherhood process can easily be completed in an afternoon.
The test and ceremony are intended to be sources of inspiration that motivates brothers to give even greater service to Scouting. The meaning and purpose of the tests of the Ordeal will become much more clear at the Brotherhood ceremony.
From the inception of the Order of the Arrow in 1915, all members are equal. There are no ranks. Brotherhood membership does not provide a special degree of rank, status, or special honor similar to that of Vigil Honor. Outside of making arrangements for Brotherhood ceremonies, Brotherhood members do not meet as a separate group. In fact, social and service activities cannot be held for Brotherhood members apart from regular lodge members.
You can complete the Brotherhood testing anytime throughout the year and attend one of our lodge events to go through the Brotherhood ceremony to become a Brotherhood member. To help you on your journey to become a Brotherhood member you can use the study guide on this page.
Contact the Lodge Chief for questions about Brotherhood
Upcoming Brotherhood Opportunites:
Spring Conference @ CLL Jun 3rd-5th
Every Wednesday at Camp Long Lake Summer Camp during Weeks 1-6
Fall Conference @ CLL August 12th-14th
Lodge Leadership Development @ CLL (Date TBD)
Brotherhood Study Guide